Volume 1, Issue 1 
1st Quarter, 2006

Global Design for Geoethical Nanotechnology

Natasha Vita-More

page 2 of 7

In 1979, I was a filmmaker in residence at the University of Colorado in Boulder. I was making my first film using a high 8 camera. The Head of the Film Archives – the center of independent film making in the world – directed it. In the film, I sculpted my body into a rock formation in a natural Vita-Moreamphitheater called Red Rocks, where many rock stars perform. He filmed me breaking away from the rock formation. It was quite beautiful to see his adaptation of my poetry in breaking away from the constraints of the earth vis-à-vis the constraints of the mind and the constraints of society.

The film was about adapting to change and breaking away. To this day, I am still breaking away from preconceived notions of what an artist is, what a designer is, and what the future may become.

Global Design
When I speak of design and global design, I mean not just design as artists and designers, but the intricacies of people coming together from various fields and meshing their ideas together to solve problems. As a strategic planner, I think about formats and formulas, strategic plans, strategic goals, where we are going, how we are going to get there and how people can work together to do so.

Design is one way to build and guide the impact of curative technologies that will have enormous impact on global society. But what is design? If we are talking about strategic planning, then what is the mission of design? Here is the definition I’ve come up with:

Global Design Mission: To make the world workable for society in the shortest amount of time for the largest number of people with the least amount of damage to anyone.

If this is the mission, how does design fit into this? Design is the process and product for which complementary and disparate parts fit together to form a function. Figure 1 conceptualizes the global potential of design.

Figure 1

Molecular nanotechnology has potential in changing the way the world functions and the way our specific and particular domains function together to see this global design. The various parts are the principles that we learn in strategic planning: social, technological, economic, environmental, and political. Each one of these parts has a definite position in the new incarnation of nanotechnology as it steers itself in each domain. But this is not going to happen alone. It will only happen with each domain working together.

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